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About Us


So you are wondering who is behind On Plan Planners? Well let me introduce name is Leanne, I'm a stay at home mum of two young boys and I run the company alongside my husband (he helps with all the technical stuff I just quite frankly can't get my head around).

On the 14th November 2015 my own weight loss journey started, after the birth of my second son Austin, I decided to do something about my weight which had always been on the slightly heavier side. I set myself the deadline of September 2016 to lose five stone and weigh 12 stone (this would be when my eldest son Jacob would start Pre-School and the weight I was when I married my husband back in 2009).

After just eight months I had actually managed to lose just over six stone (I moved my initial target a few times throughout that period as I was never quite satisfied) and fell just below 11 stone and this was the happiest I had been in many years, I finally felt I could live the life I had always wanted to and enjoy being a mum and wife.

Fast forward to 2021 and I am a few stone over my ideal weight (although working hard to get back to 11 stone), still following Slimming World.

The one daily ritual that hasn't changed since that first day back in November 2015 is completing my daily food diary and I still spend an hour over the weekend planning breakfast, lunch and dinner for the entire family. I believe that planning was the key to my initial weight loss success and is key to controlling my weight and lifestyle now.

Now that my children are a little older and I have some time on my hands I decided that I would design my own food diary and weekly meal planner to incorporate everything I think is important to record while attempting to create a healthier lifestyle and then share these with other people that are on their own journey.

Thank you for visiting my shop and I wish you every success with your weight loss journey.

Leanne x